Interacting with Wallets

Wallets are integral to the SSI ecosystem, enabling end-users to:

  • Authenticate and Retrieve Credentials: Wallets scan QR codes or follow secure links to claim credentials. For targeted offerings, wallets must present cryptographic proofs (Verifiable Presentations) to prove DID ownership.

  • Authorization Code Flow: The Issuer Service uses an OAuth2-like pattern:

    1. POST /api/v1/authorize

      Creates an authorization request.

    2. POST /api/v1/authorize/verify

      Verifies the submitted Verifiable Presentation.

    3. On success, a code is issued and exchanged at:

      POST /api/v1/connect/token
  • Retrieving the Credential: With a valid access token, wallets call:

    POST /api/v1/issue-credential/{id}
    Authorization: Bearer JWTAccessToken

    to obtain the Verifiable Credential.

  • Storage and Presentation: Once obtained, the wallet stores the credential locally and can present it to verifiers as needed.

Example Token Exchange:

POST /api/v1/connect/token
Content-Type: application/json

  "authorization_code": "validAuthorizationCode"


  "access_token": "JWTAccessToken",
  "token_type": "Bearer",
  "expires_in": 3600

Retrieving Credential:

GET /api/v1/issue-credential/{id}
Authorization: Bearer JWTAccessToken

Example Response:

  "id": "credential-id",
  "type": "ProofOfPurchase",
  "recipient": "did:empe:123456789",
  "credentialSubject": {
    "ticket": "ticket123",
    "seat": "A12",
    "description": "Concert ticket"
  "vc": {...}

This sequence provides a secure, user-friendly experience aligned with SSI standards, preserving user privacy and control.

Last updated