Self-Sovereign Identity

Empeiria's End-to-End Verifiable Data Infrastructure (EDVI) builds on the foundation of Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI), expanding its utility and enabling wider adoption.

SSI is a concept in digital identity, where individuals have full ownership and control over their personal identity information. Unlike traditional identity systems relying on centralized authorities, SSI allows users to own, manage, and share their data. This approach enhances privacy, security, and user autonomy by enabling individuals to authenticate themselves without depending on external entities.

Key Features of SSI

Here are the key features and principles of SSI:

  • User-Centric: In SSI, users have access and control over their identity data. They can decide what information to share, with whom, and for how long.

  • Privacy-Enhancing: SSI is designed to prioritize privacy. SSI uses technologies like blockchain to allow users to prove their identity without revealing unnecessary personal information. Disclosure of claims must be minimized.

  • Decentralized: Traditional identity systems are controlled by central authorities, while SSI is built on decentralized principles. The holder keeps all his data within the wallet.

  • Interoperable: SSI systems aim to be universally applicable, allowing users to use their identity across different services and platforms without separate credentials.

  • Secure: These systems use advanced cryptographic techniques to ensure that identity data is secure and cannot be tampered with.

  • Consent-Based: Any sharing of personal data in SSI systems is based on the user’s explicit consent, providing greater control over personal data.

  • Portable: Users can carry their identity across different platforms and services without depending on a single provider.

  • Transparent: System and algorithms are transparent so that other entities can verify.

Last updated