Configure a node

Select a chain:

export CHAINID=empe-testnet-2
export MONIKER=<your moniker> 

Init chain and delete generated genesis:

emped init $MONIKER --chain-id $CHAINID
rm -rf ~/.empe-chain/config/genesis.json

Clone repository with chains

git clone
cd empe-chains/testnet-2/   

Copy genesis file from repo:

cp genesis.json ~/.empe-chain/config/

Change the persistent peers inside config.toml file

sed -e "s|persistent_peers = \".*\"|persistent_peers = \"$(cat .data | grep -oP 'Persistent peers\s+\K\S+')\"|g" ~/.empe-chain/config/config.toml > ~/.empe-chain/config/config.toml.tmp
mv ~/.empe-chain/config/config.toml.tmp  ~/.empe-chain/config/config.toml

Set minimum gas price in app.toml file

sed -e "s|minimum-gas-prices = \".*\"|minimum-gas-prices = \"$(cat .data | grep -oP 'Minimum Gas Price\s+\K\S+')\"|g" ~/.empe-chain/config/app.toml > ~/.empe-chain/config/app.toml.tmp
mv ~/.empe-chain/config/app.toml.tmp  ~/.empe-chain/config/app.toml

Change external_address value to contact your node using public ip of your node:

PUB_IP=`curl -s -4`
sed -e "s|external_address = \".*\"|external_address = \"$PUB_IP:26656\"|g" ~/.empe-chain/config/config.toml > ~/.empe-chain/config/config.toml.tmp
mv ~/.empe-chain/config/config.toml.tmp  ~/.empe-chain/config/config.toml

Last updated